- This event has passed.
August 4
“Scuba” Vacation Bible School kicks off today at Swedesburg Lutheran Church Parish Hall! Today through Wednesday (August 7th), kids participate in lots of different activities and explore what it means to have a friendship with God. Scuba VBS starts with a meal at 5:15pm and the event is 5:45pm – 8:15pm. This event is free and located at 210 Academy Avenue in Swedesburg. Registration is available online at swedesburglutheran.org or you can pick up a registration form at the church. You can also call the church at 319-254-2216 or email Lisa Kempf at tandl@iowatelecom.net.
The Burlington Municipal Band’s final concert of the summer season will be on Sunday August 4th, 7:30 PM at the Crapo Park bandshell. The concert will follow the band’s tradition of making its last concert a “round robin” event with multiple conductors and soloists. If you haven’t made it out to the park yet, this will be your last chance until next year! Bring a lawn chair or sit on provided benches. In case of rain the concert will move to the James Madison auditorium at 2132 Madison Avenue.
Today is your last chance to check out the Winfield Crooked Creek Days for lots of fun, games, and food! Find the full schedule at https://winfieldiowa.com/crooked-creek-days.
- 8a-10a Winfield Historical Society & Museum Breakfast- Veteran’s Building
- 9a Duck Soup Fiasco Softball Tournament- Commons Ballfield (concession stand will be open)
- 9a – 2p JYD Food Truck open
- 10a Community-Wide Service at the Presbyterian Church
- 11am – 2p J.R. Hewitt Memorial Car Show (registration at 8am)
- 11am Kickball Tournament (3rd-12th grades Commons Ballfield)
- NOON Valve Cover Races (City Hall Parking Lot)
- 1pm Sip & Paint at Veterans Building (sign up: call Jill Townsley 563-260-5335)
- 2:30pm Car Show Trophy Presentation