Mount Pleasant City Council Meeting Agenda

The Mount Pleasant City Council will meet in Regular Session Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at City
Hall, 307 E. Monroe Street, second-floor meeting room at 5:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call.
2. Consent Agenda: To the Public – All items with an asterisk (*) are routine
by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and a roll call of the Council-
members. There will be no separate discussion of items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember
or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
will be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.
3. Receive & file communications.
4. Approve agenda.
*5. Approve minutes of previous meetings.
*6. Approve payment of bills.
*7. Receive reports of Officers.
8. Old Business
a) 5:30 p.m. Public Hearing on FYE22 Budget Amendment.
b) Resolution approving FYE22 Budget Amendment.
* c) Renewal application for a Class E Liquor, Class C Beer, Class B Wine, and Sunday
Sales for Casey’s Marketing Company, Casey’s General Store #1612 at 400 W
Washington Street.
9. New Businessa) Authorize Mayor to sign Conflict Waiver with Ahlers Law Firm pertaining to 28 E
Agreement with Mount Pleasant Community School District.
b) Authorize Mayor to sign renewal contract with Johnson Controls for Library/Civic
Center HVAC system.
c) Resolution authorizing City Administrator to sign grant application to Iowa
Department of Transportation (IDOT) for Airport Roof Replacement.
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d) Resolution to support Multiple Family Housing Development for Orchard
Apartments, LLC.
e) Authorize Mayor to sign an addendum to the Iowa Department of Transportation
Agreement 2019-LIFTS-01 for Transload Building.
f) Approve purchase of new flooring for Fire Station.
g) Approve purchase of Fire Department Suppression System.
h) Resolution Directing the Acceptance of a Proposal to Purchase $2,000,000 (Dollar
Amount Subject to Change) Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2022.
10. Public Forum.
11. Adjourn to meet in regular session on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.