The Mount Pleasant City Council met Wednesday evening and authorized Mayor Steve Brimhall to sign a purchase agreement for a new 100 foot ladder truck for the Fire Department. The purchase price is $1,810,000. The truck will arrive about 2 years from now.
An amendment to the zoning ordinance regulating the number of recreational vehicles parked on residential property was approved by the Council. Going forward only one such vehicle will be allowed on properties of one acre or less.
A public hearing was held and a first reading passed regarding a zone change request from the Faith Lutheran Church at the corner of Mapleleaf Drive and North Grand Avenue. The request was made because the Church would like to install new signage that would not be allowed in the current classification of R1a. If the zoning where the church is located were changed to B3 Business Retail the Church could improve its’ signage. Building and Zoning Administrator Jack Swarm also said it would position the property better for the future in the event the Church would sell to a business or nearby property would be sold for business use.
Two public hearings were set for the next council meeting, both dealing with signs. One of hearings will focus on allowing electronic billboards in B-4 and all M zoning classifications. There are already ordinances in place regulating the location of billboards and regulating the operation of electronic signs. The other hearing is for signs for in-home businesses displayed on the residence. Currently, a two foot square sign is allowed. There has been a request to allow 16 square foot signs but the Planning & Zoning Commission prefers four foot square signs. The next full city council meeting is November 22 at 5:30 pm. The meeting was changed from November 23 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.