County Constituents Burning Questions Answered by Candidates for Henry County Supervisor at Chamber Forum

The Mt. Pleasant Chamber Alliance held a forum yesterday evening for the 4 candidates for the Henry County Supervisors. Dan Cook, Steve Detrick, David Muhs, and Chad White took turns answering questions sent in from the public. Despite the storms’ best efforts, with the power even going out for a considerable amount of time, the candidates rolled on with the forum.

A question was posed about tourism in our county, and how the county can grow that area, and Steve Detrick answered. He said that the communities in our county should get together and that there are underutilized parks that we should enhance and promote. The county consists of many communities, not just Mount Pleasant.

David Muhs answered a question regarding house File 718, which will see major budget cuts impact our county for the remainder of this decade. His idea is to be efficient and talk to our state legislators.

When asked what skills or traits he would contribute to the board, Dan Cook brought up the importance of working together as a team. He believes it is best to combine thoughts with the other supervisors and to have a stern set of values.

The hot topic of wind energy was always going to be put into a question, and Chad White was asked if he supports wind energy in Henry County. With an emphatic “no” he addressed the room by asking people to do their own research, calling wind a “cash grab.”

Afterwards, the four candidates stuck around to speak with citizens about important issues in the county. The airport in Mount Pleasant and the Amtrak are two underutilized resources in our county according to one constituent who spoke with some of the candidates afterwards.

If you would like to hear more from these candidates, head to and go to the special programming tab, where you can find a recorded forum.

Here is the link to the Chamber Forum: