COVID-19 booster vaccine update from Public Health

Now that the CDC has approved booster shots of the Moderna and J&J vaccines for higher risk individuals, Henry County Public Health will begin hosting off-site vaccine clinics by appointment. To view available clinic dates and make an appointment please visit or call 319-385-0779. They will only have the Moderna and J&J vaccine available and will continue to add clinics as needed to meet demand. They are not accepting names for a waitlist or walk-in appointments.

The CDC has approved a booster dose for people who have received their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer at least 6 months ago that also fall into the following categories: people age 65 and older, age 18+ who live in long-term care settings, age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions, and age 18+ who live or work in high-risk settings (e.g., healthcare workers, first responders, teachers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers). Everyone who received a Johnson & Johnson vaccine is approved to receive a booster dose at least two months after their initial shot. The CDC has also approved the ability to receive a different brand of vaccine for your booster dose if desired.

COVID-19 vaccination protects you and your community. The more people who get vaccinated, the lower the infection rate among the general population — protecting people who are most at risk from severe COVID-19. If you still need your first or second shot, you may also make an appointment at one of these upcoming vaccine clinics. There is no cost, no insurance needed, and language interpretation is available. For more information about COVID-19 including quarantine guidance, please visit