Danville City Council Meeting Agenda 08/05

Monday, August 5, 2024

Order of business, Regular Session

Danville City Council, Danville City Hall

NOTE:  The regular session may be conducted electronically

as allowed by Iowa Code 21.8

Citizen comments:  Comments must be directed to the subject under consideration.  The presiding officer shall rule on the relevance of the citizen comments.  Citizens making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks may be barred by the presiding officer from further comment before the Council during the meeting.


  1. Call to order, 5:00 p.m.. PLEASE NOTE THE STARTING TIME


  1. Accept or amend the agenda.


  1. Open forum: A time set aside to receive comments from the public regarding city business.  The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public on any subject pertaining to City business, including items on this agenda.  You are asked to state your name and address for the record and to limit your remarks to five minutes in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak.  The Order of Business is at the discretion of the Chair.  No action will be taken.


  1. Ryan Gerling, City Attorney. Action to be taken on individual topics if needed.
  2. Pat Walker to discuss the nuisance letter received on his property on North Main Street.
  3. Update on nuisance letters sent out July 17, 2024 to other property owners.
  4. Discussion on 400 South Third Avenue, Lot #12, condition of the mobile home.
  5. Discussion on any other properties in the community needing nuisance letters sent out.
  6. Update on the animal shelter invoice with the City of Burlington.
  7. Update on the status of West Plank Road.
  8. Review of procedure to rezone a property from Commercial to Residential status.


  1. Jack Swarm, SE IA Regional Planning Commission
  2. Presentation of proposed Ordinance Number 240 pertaining making changes to the City’s electrical city code.
  3. Action on Resolution 2024-19, setting of public hearing to receive comments on proposed Ordinance Number 240.


  1. Matt Walker, City Engineer.
  2. Update on the city wastewater treatment plant project.  Action by council if needed.


  1. Discussion and action on Resolution 2024-20, authorizing the Mayor to sign two contracts with Regional Planning, administering grant funds for the city.


  1. Proposed Ordinance Number 239, adding a section to Chapter 5.14 Municipal Rights of way.
  2. Second reading of proposed Ordinance Number 239.
  3. Action on the second reading of proposed Ordinance Number 239.
  4. Action on the third reading (waiving)


  1. Review of request from resident of 703 South Main Street, adjusting sewer fee due to a water leak. Action by council.
  2. Discussion and action on the payment to Viking Industrial Painting (water tower).


  1. Fire Chief/building inspector report – action by council if needed.


  1. Public Works report.
  2. Public Works written report.  Action if needed.


  1. Approval of consent agenda.
  2. Council minutes of July 15, 2024 (full & summary minutes).
  3. Cigarette permit for Old 34 Gas & Grill.
  4. Payment of bills.


  1. Council reports and correspondence.
  2. Review of information received from QPS Employment Group.  Action if needed.
  3. Discussion on presenting invoices to Regional Planning for reimbursement to the electrical fund using the Wastewater and Drinking Water Treatment Financial Assistance Program (WTFAP).  Action by council if needed.
  4. Discussion and action setting the date and time for the next city council meeting.


  1. Adjournment.