Drive Sober This Labor Day

Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer, and we celebrate with barbecues and road trips. But be aware as you hit the highways that the Labor Day holiday weekend is one of the deadliest times of the year in terms of drunk-driving fatalities.

It is imperative that we all do our part to end drunk and drugged driving.  Remember that it is never okay to drink/drug and drive.  Even if you plan to have only one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver or use a ride serve to get home safely.  If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact your local law enforcement.  Do you have a friend who is about to drink and drive?  Take the keys away and make arrangements to get your friend home safely.  These are small tasks that can make a BIG difference to save lives.

Expect increased law enforcement presence on the roads this Labor Day weekend, as they do their part in keeping our roads safe by removing impaired drivers. Remember, drive sober or get pulled over.