Enhance Henry County Community Foundation Invites You To Join December 10th

The Enhance Henry County Community Foundation is planning a celebration ceremony and announcement of their twentieth grant-making awards and results.

The event will be held December 10th in the Union Block building on the north side of the Mt. Pleasant square at 11am. Grant recipients, county elected officials and the public are encouraged to attend.

The Enhance Henry County Community Foundation applied, received, and was awarded $157,184 in County Endowment Funds. Under terms of the award 75% of the funds shall be awarded to county not-for-profits, communities, and charities.

A special grant making committee of the foundation has been busy receiving and evaluating grant applications. 41 grant applications were received totaling over $509,000.

The Enhance Henry County Community Foundation is actively seeking contributions and gifts to build the grant making capacity of the new foundation. You can contact Lora Roth with Enhance Henry County Community Foundation for questions at 319.385.8728.