The Mount Pleasant School Board met in regular session Monday night (May 9). May is School Board Recognition Month. Supt. John Henriksen took the opportunity to thank the Mt. Pleasant board and presented certificates of appreciation to Jennifer Crull, Angie Blint, Josh Maher, Willy Amos, Kevin Sandersfeld, Derek Mullin and Chuck Andrew.
Mullin reported to the rest of the board on his tour of the Kirkwood Career Academy in Washington County. Mullin liked what he saw and would like for Mount Pleasant to consider working with Southeastern Community College to establish a similar facility for Henry County Students.
Supt. Henriksen let the Board know that the final report from a recent traffic study at the High School site will be ready this week. He did say that if any facilities would be constructed at the site the entrance at Grand Avenue and Harvest drive would have to be improved and an additional drive would need to be constructed south from the student lot.
The Board voted to renew the district’s lease agreement for office space for another three years at a total yearly cost of $43,200. That’s up from $42,960.
The district received four bids for phase one of the HVAC Retro Commissioning project. Mr. Henriksen explains the work to be done…..HENRIKSEN. The bid was awarded to Brockway Mechanical and Roofing in the amount of $124,561 coming in right at the engineer’s estimate. Federal ESSER funds will be used to pay for the project.