At 5:53 PM Tuesday May 9, 2023 the Burlington and West Burlington Fire Departments
responded to a reported garage fire behind 504 S. 6th Street in Burlington. Firefighters arrived at
5:56 PM to find a one car garage and attached storage shed fully involved in flames. A box
alarm was struck calling in off duty Burlington firefighters as well as brining Danville and
Mediapolis firefighters closer to Burlington. The fire was extinguished at 6:31 PM.
The garage is owned by Donald & Rosalie Smith and is considered a total loss. The heat from
the fire damaged the back of the Smith’s house at 504 S. 6th Street. Neighboring properties also
damaged include a duplex apartment at 517 Vine Street, the house and fence at 503 Vine Street,
and the siding on the house at 506 S. 6th Street. Damage estimates are still being assessed. The
property is insured.
Firefighters were assisted at the scene by Burlington Police and Alliant Energy. There were no
injuries. Firefighters cleared the scene at 7:28 PM.The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the Burlington Fire Department.Firefighters were assisted at the scene by Burlington Police and Firefighters were assisted at the scene by Burlington Police and Alliant Energy. There were no injuries. Firefighters cleared the scene at 7:28 PM.