Grant Money Available for Individual Home Projects

Great River Housing Trust Fund has been awarded a grant from the Federal Home Loan Bank that will allow for assistance to homeowners with home rehabilitation that includes, but is not limited to windows, siding and roofs.  There are also yearly income guidelines that participants must be below to qualify for the program.  They are:

1 person-$40,250                            5 person-$62,050

2 person-$46,000                           6 person-$66,650

3 person-$51,750                             7 person-$71,250

4 person-$57,450                             8 person-$75,850

They are particularly looking for homeowners in Henry and Louisa Counties. Great Regional Planning Commission offering assistance in Henry, Des Moines, Lee and Louisa Counties.  City and County officials are members.

If you are interested or know of somebody that would be interested in participating please call Carolyn Lees at 319-753-4320 and leave your name and address or email and you will be sent an application.