The Henry County Supervisors met in regular session this morning at the Henry County Courthouse. Jake Hotchkiss, the Henry County Engineer gave his weekly update. Hotchkiss began his report with an approval of a resolution concerning the stop signs located on East Jackson Street in Salem. Hotchkiss will apply for a grant to obtain speed feedback signs as well as new signage. The topic of moving the crosswalk to connect to the existing sidewalk in front of Salem Elementary School rather than the parking lot was also brought up with further discussion possible in the future.
Crews over the last 2 weeks completed road rebuilding and shaping for the final 2 miles on Oasis Avenue between 200th and 220th streets. Crews will be working on placing rock and coordinating the schedule with Washington County for the Roadhog to incorporate Base one into the road. Work will begin on a rip-rap project for the stream running along side Oasis Avenue while waiting on Washington County. Two crossroad culverts on Henry-Washington County Line East of Wayland have been replaced, and mowing on gravel road sides continues.
Franklin Avenue also known as W-55 is closed from 275th Street North to 260th Street. There are a few more days of hauling embankment to fill in the existing closure, then work will begin on a short section under flaggers from Fremont to 260th. The schedule is fluid as crews navigate weather.
Iowa Bridge & Culvert is looking to start bridge removal of Nebraska Bridge, located on Nebraska Avenue South of 220th Street, the week of August 26th and closure will be verified in the next week as the contractor has said they are a little behind now but still plan to start late the week of the 26th.
Caleb Waters, Director of the Henry County Conservation Department, gave his monthly update to KILJ before heading down the road to the Henry County Courthouse.
Henry County Handbook Policy Timesheet Meal Reimbursements were the next item listed on the agenda. With confusion surrounding the procedure to submit meal reimbursements, the Henry County Supervisors decided to request clarification in the language concerning the process. This opened the door for discussion around the amount of meal reimbursement county employees are allowed. Henry County Auditor Shelley Barber made known rumblings among employees that the current reimbursement rates of $10 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, and $20 for dinner, and $45 per day when traveling overnight are hard to abide by when traveling for work. After discussion the supervisors decided to raise the lunch reimbursement limit to $17.50, dinner to $25, and a new limit of $52.50 per day. Henry County Employees are not reimbursed for meals in Henry County, and only when meals are purchased during times of travel or work. The reimbursement rate does not include gratuity which is reimbursed up to an 18% rate.
Due to budget cuts the Henry County Supervisors voted to not give the Henry County Employees a raise last year. The Henry County Department Heads asked the supervisors to consider giving August 30th as a floating holiday to the employees in the absence of a raise or bonus. Jefferson County was brought up as a reference after they gave their employees July 5th off in leu of a raise or bonus. After discussion the supervisors decided against this move stating employees are welcome to use their vacation time to take that day off if they choose.
During Public Comments a resident asked for clarification on the next planning and zoning public hearing concerning the windmill ordinance for Henry County. As of now there is a loose date of September 17th for this meeting to be held in either the Heatilator Performing Arts Center or the Courtroom in the Henry County Courthouse. Residents requested adequate seating and audio availability as a large number of residents are expected to attend. Joe Buffington, Director of Planning and Zoning, also let residents know there may be a different process to this public hearing than previous hearings. Buffington mentioned there may be a list at the entrance to the meeting where residents will sign-up to give a public testimony.
The last public comment was a resident asking the process to bring Henry County Supervisor Meetings to the internet through audio and video. It was established that the supervisors must decide to add this service where it is then sent to IT.
The Henry County Supervisors will meet next Thursday, August 22nd at 9 am in the Henry County Courthouse.