The Henry County Supervisors met in regular session this morning, Thursday July 25th at 9 am in the Henry County Courthouse. Jake Hotchkiss the Henry County Engineer started the meeting with his weekly update. Two permits for fiber have been approved, the first starting at Franklin Avenue ending at Old Highway 34 and the second on W55 from Old Highway 34 to 245th street. Henry County Engineer Hotchkiss also updated crews continue roadway painting, are on their second round of mowing shoulders on gravel roads, along with dura patching and hauling rock to resurface in various locations around the county. Franklin Avenue (W-55) is still closed from 275th Street North to 260th street. Work is continuing with the hope to have pavement completed this fall depending on weather. There will also be a preconstruction meeting next week to discuss the Nebraska Avenue bridge replacement, this project may begin as early as this August.
During the public comment section, a concerned Henry County resident commented that they had submitted a formal complaint against the Henry County Attorney to the Attorney General of Iowa. The resident asked the supervisors to support him in his complaint. Henry County Supervisor Marc Lindeen responded that this section of the meeting is open for public comments and to not be voted upon.