Farmers and farm businesses in Southeastern Iowa are invited to join Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association for the fall field day. This event is held and Iowa Sate’s Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm on Thursday, September 5, 2024, with check in at 1:00pm and the filed day beginning at 1:30pm. The Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm is located at 3115 Louisa-Washington Road in Crawfordsville.
The field day will provide farmers, landowners and ag retailers the opportunity to learn more about projects being conducted at the farm to address current issues or challenges Iowa farmers are facing. Corn rootworms and nitrogen management along with research farm updates and a look at harvesting weather are part of the field day topics.
The field day is free and open to the public. For more information, contact ISU Extension and Outreach field agronomists: Rebecca Vittetoe: 319-653-4811 or or Virgil Schmitt: 319-653-5701 or