Mount Pleasant City Council Meeting Agenda 06/12

The Mount Pleasant City Council will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at City Hall, 307 E. Monroe Street, second-floor meeting room at 5:30 p.m.


  1. Roll Call.
  2. Consent Agenda: To the Public — All items with an asterisk (*) are routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and a roll call of the Councilmembers. There will be no separate discussion of items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.
  3. Receive & file communications.
  4. Approve agenda.

* 5. Approve minutes of previous meetings.

*6. Approve payment of bills.

*7. Receive report of Officers including Resolution No. 2024-62 approving May transfers.

  1. Old Business-
    1. 3 rd reading/adopt ordinance amendment for Flexible Business Space.
    2. 2nd reading/ adopt ordinance relating to the regulation of commercial vendors and city streets during RAGBRAI waiving 3rd
    3. Resolution approving award of construction contract for Eugene Way Street Project.
    4. Renewal applications for 2024 retail cigarette permits.
    5. Renewal of a Class B Retail Alcohol License for Midwest Old Threshers Camper Store at 405 E Threshers Road.
    6. Renewal of a Class E Retail Alcohol License for Casey’s General Store #1612 at 400 W Washington Street.
    7. Renewal of a Special Class C Retail Alcohol License with outdoor service for Henry

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County Fair at 405 E Threshers Road.

  1. h) Outdoor Amplified Sound Permit RAGBRAI event in Central Park July 26 from 12

p.m. to I l p.m.

  1. New Business-
    1. Accept resignation of Harry Hayward, Parks Supervisor.
    2. Accept resignation of Drew Schumacher, Mount Pleasant Volunteer Firefighter.
    3. Resolution approving the hiring of Gary Shahan for the position of Building and Zoning Administrator.
    4. Approve the renewal of the contract with Johnson Controls to service the Library/Civic Center HVAC system.
    5. Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for the Iowa Department of

Transportation State Recreational Trails Program for construction of Mount Pleasant Trail System.

  1. Public Forum.
  2. Adjoum to meet in regular session on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.