The Mount Pleasant City Council met in regular session Wednesday night. The Council authorized Mayor Steve Brimhall to sign a contract with Barton Construction for the excavation and construction of the new downtown pocket park. This is the area under the water tower and across Washington Street from the fire station. It is being referred to as the Downtown West Gateway plaza. There was only one bid but the City Engineer approved the dollar amount of $86,261 and recommended the project be awarded to Barton Construction since the local company has done previous projects for the City including the East Plaza at the corner of Washington and Adams Streets.
The Mayor was also authorized by the Council to sign a contract with Prison Industries to provide the manpower to mow Forest Home Cemetery and Old City Cemetery. At $18 an hour the City anticipates the contract will cost about $49,000 for the year April to October.
The council approved the purchase of a new vehicle for the Police Department. The purchase price is the state bid price of $44,040 from Stivers Ford in Waukee.
The Council also approved an expenditure of $15,200 to switch the Waste Water Treatment Plant to L.E.D. lighting.
And Mount Pleasant Fire Chief Drew Schumacher (Shoe-mocker) made several personnel recommendations that were approved by the City Council…Matthew Pierce, Derek Dietrich and Adam Flake were all appointed to the Firefighter Reserve Unit.