The Mount Pleasant Community School Board will meet in special session at 5:30pm in the Mount Pleasant High School media center. Below is a copy of the agenda.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Consideration to Approve Jean C. Wiley and Sons Construction as Responsible Low Bid for Transportation and Maintenance Facility (Motion)
5. Consideration to Approve Contract and Notice of Award with Jean C. Wiley and Sons Construction for Transportation and Maintenance Facility (Motion)
6. Consideration to Approve Notice to Proceed with Jean C. Wiley and Sons Construction for Transportation and Maintenance Facility (Motion)
7. First Reading with Recommendation to Post Notice of Intended Action:
a. New Policy Regulation 400-R(1) Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation (Motion)
b. New Policy 401.36 Employee Conflict of Interest (Motion)
c. New Policy 401.37 Employee Records (Motion)
d. New Policy Regulation 401.37-R(1) Employee Records (Motion)
e. New Policy 701.06 Internal Controls (Motion)
f. New Policy Regulation 701.06-R(1) Internal Controls (Motion)
g. New Policy Regulation 703.13-R(1) Expenditures for a Public Purpose (Motion)
8. Consideration to Approve Middle School Boiler Repair (Motion)
9. Middle School Roof Repair Update
10. Shared Social Worker Agreement with GPAEA (Motion)
11. Adjournment