MPCSD Presents Central Campus Master Plan During School Board Meeting

Mount pleasant Community school district held their monthly board meeting on Monday night. First on the agenda was the student spotlight. Kali Barnett & Abby Blint gave the school board an update on their experience taking the Foundation of Education course with Mr. Rogers. As graduates from MPCSD now, they both operate as student teachers within the district. Next, Instructors of the Talented and Gifted Program, Samantha Freeman and Jeremy Klopfenstein spoke about their program.


Samantha and Jeremy talked to the board about the course work, the strategies for individual learning, benefits the students are seeing from the talented and gifted program, and some need that the program has.

The main discussion of the board meeting was the Central Campus master plan. Superintendent John Henriksen talks to the school board about some of that plan.

Several parents and staff from Salem elementary were in attendance as there is talk to close Salem elementary school once a central campus is built.



The entire master plan for the mount pleasant school district can be found on the district website. The school board continued until 8pm, covering some school-based issues that are taking place in the Iowa legislative session in Des Moines; a four day school week is a topic of discussion for state representatives, with many parts for and against it.

Also, the school start date is becoming a concern based on when the start date falls in certain years.

Lastly during the School Board Meeting, it was announced and approved to adopt an early retirement plan within the district. Teachers can qualify if they have worked at least fifteen (15) contracted years (of which ten (10) must be consecutive) for the Mount Pleasant Community School District.

Licensed employees can be paid $70 & Classified Employees can be paid $50 a day for the number of accumulated sick leave days the employee has at the end of that year up to 125 days. if the application for retirement is received by the first business day in March as that is the deadline to submit their application for retirement.