Big Hollow Lake
Unsafe ice conditions. The ice is still thin. Ice is thickest at the boat ramp bay. Nearly everywhere else is much thinner. Some thicker ice on the south side where it is shaded from the sun.
Lake Belva Deer
Use caution. Ice conditions are improving with the colder weather. Still some spots of thin ice. Not much angler activity yet.
Lake Darling
Use extreme caution. Nobody has been out fishing yet. Ice thickness is about 6 inches on the campground arm. Ice thickness is about 4 inches by the main ramp. Geese and swans are keeping a spot open just west of the middle of the lake. Lots of thinner spots; highly variable ice conditions. Bluegill – No report: A couple of anglers have been out and drilled test holes and then left.
Lake Geode
Unsafe ice conditions. Ice is still thin. Ice thickness is less than 4 inches in most spots.
Lost Grove Lake
The ice conditions continue to improve at the lower end of the lake; still use caution. Most activity is at the west end of the lake. Bluegill – Fair. Anglers are catching some bluegills toward the west boat ramp around the flooded timber.
For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Office at 319-694-2430.