WACO Conditions of Learning Survey

Ken Crawford, Superintendent, WACO Schools-

WACO Schools has a lot of unique opportunities for students and staff members.  WACO is one of the few schools in the state doing a four day a week schedule.  There are several benefits to this schedule but one that is becoming clear is the impact it is having on culture.

Every year, students have to do a lot of surveys.  One survey done every April is called Conditions of Learning.  The state asks students a lot of questions on what they think about Student to Adult relationships, their physical safety, emotional safety, and Student to Student relationships.  WACO’s relationship numbers are outstanding.

In the secondary building, grades 6-12, there were several questions asked about Adult to Student relationships.  93% of the students agree that adults in the building treat students with respect.  93% of the students also say they know a teacher cares about them.  If a student needs a teacher to go to for help, 95% of the students said they agreed they had someone to talk to.  Those answers are based on 163 responses.  When these answers are all over 90% – the culture in the district is outstanding.

When the secondary students were asked about Student to Student relationships, 93% of the students felt they had a friend to talk to about a problem.  When asked about a new student to the building, 93% of the students say they try to make them feel welcome.  When asked if they have a friend to eat lunch with over 98% of the students responded that they did.  Again, welcoming new students to our district and having a friend to help them is another sign of a great culture.

The elementary school had 86 responses for the Conditions of Learning survey.  When asked if they felt teachers cared about them, they responded with a 98% yes.  97% of the students felt teachers treated them with respect while 98% of the students felt they treated adults with respect.  When asked about having a friend to play with on the playground, 100% of the students said they had a friend to play with.  When asked if the students felt they welcomed new students to the school, again, 100% of the students felt they did welcome new students.

As WACO continues to grow, the Conditions of Learning survey also shows a culture of welcoming new students and treating adults with respect while receiving it back from teachers.  Small schools can offer a chance to participate in multiple activities but it is also a warm environment for students to grow, learn, and be active.  These results prove culture does matter and that WACO is heading in the right direction as a district.