Fellowship Cup New Truck Donations

The Fellowship Cup has just replaced their old and unreliable truck with a new one. This truck is essential for their food bank operations, as they are able to pick up and drop off for the Quarter Maybe More Store, which is the thrift store that helps support the ministry and operations of the Fellowship cup. Due to the truck costing $65,000, donations would be much appreciated for this cause. The new truck allows them to load the truck at night, which saves them time in the morning since they can keep the load secure and dry, and also gives them a security factor which their old truck has been missing.

Between The Fellowship Cup and The Quarter Maybe More Store, 18,219 hours have been volunteered. 8,677 hours were volunteered for Henry County RSVP at places like Henry County Health Center, Old Threshers, local schools, giving rides to seniors and disabled individuals, and more. $13,200 were given back to the community to the Childcare Center, Refuge House, and Youth for Christ. Of course, the Fellowship Cup also spends their summers ensuring that no child goes hungry by preparing summer sack lunches to those who usually rely on a meal at school.

If you would like to support, please send donations by check to The Fellowship Cup at 203 N. Jefferson St, or donations can be made online at www.thefellowshipcup.org. If you have any questions, please contact the executive director, Ken Brown at 319 385 3242 or director@thefellowshipcup.org.


Old truck pictured below.