1st Reading of Temporary Moratorium Read at Henry County Supervisors Meeting

The Henry County Supervisors met on Tuesday morning for a long meeting.

First on the agenda was Jake Hotchkiss, who presented the IDOT budget and the 5 year program.

With over 30 people in the room, and plenty more packed like sardines in the hallway, board chair Greg Moeller read the 1st Reading of the Resolution #5-2024 Establishing a Temporary Moratorium on the Rezoning of Land to the Alternative Energy Overlay District.

This moratorium, if fully passed, will expire on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025. It can be extended or terminated earlier depending upon satisfactory resolution of the issues laid out in the resolution.

It seems all three supervisors agreed that they would like the wind energy discussion to slow down, and believe this temporary moratorium will allow the Planning and Zoning Committee time to do what they need to do.

There will be a 2nd and 3rd reading for this, on March 28th and April 2nd respectively.

Below is a photo of the resolution…