Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation and its impact on community health and well-being, the 2020 Henry County Fair will be a non-public Fair. All grandstand and open shows, the carnival, and all other community events have been postponed until the 2021 Henry County Fair.
The safety of visitors, participants and community is the highest priority in producing the annual fair. After seeking guidance from Henry County Public Health and taking direction from Governor Reynolds, it became clear that postponement of these events was the prudent choice for the fair to do its part in working to improve community health and safety and reduce the cycle of infection.
With that said, the Henry County Fair Board and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Henry County is happy to announce that we will be moving forward with 4-H Livestock Shows and Auction, communication, clothing and static projects, and the fair queen contest for the 2020 fair.
There will be several modifications made to each of these events to ensure social distancing and sanitation guidelines. Together, they are working diligently to put together a list of strict guidelines and changes which will soon be posted on the Henry County Fair website and Facebook.
“The Henry County Fair exists to strengthen Henry County and bring people together,” said Andrea Wright, Fair Board President. “We are dedicated to being part of our collective well-being and we will continue to work with local and national public health agencies and watch for any new developments around COVID-19 that would impact our operation, and make modifications accordingly.” We look forward to when we can all gather in 2021.”
If anyone has questions please contact henrycofairia@gmail.com or the ISU Extension and Outreach Henry County Office 319-385-8126.