9-8-21 Henry County COVID-19 update From Henry County Public Health

14-day average for positive cases: 12.4%

# of cases last 3 days: 12

# of cases last 7 days: 37

# of cases last 14 days: 103

% of residents 12+ years of age fully vaccinated: 53.3%

According to Public Health children and younger adults are getting sick now and they are either not eligible to be vaccinated or are vaccinated at a lower rate than older adults. If you are still unsure about the vaccine contact Public Health at 319-385-0779 or check out some recent video clips from others in the community sharing why they decided to get vaccinated at Henry County Health Center. Visit healthyhenrycounty.org/covid for information on walk-in clinics, updated quarantine guidance, and more.

Henry County Public Health is sharing these regular updates to hopefully provide the most helpful information to keep you informed. There is a lot of data out there so we are reporting data from our local public health portal, with the exception of the vaccinated % which comes from the CDC Data Tracker since they break it out by eligible residents instead of just all residents. Some places report the average positivity % based on positive tests instead of cases, but people may take multiple tests so that number will be different.