Area Meetings Scheduled

There are a couple of meetings of note for next week.  The New London Community School District is meeting in regular session on Monday, November 18th at 6pm.  The meeting will be held in the boardroom of the North Campus.  This meeting is open to the public.


Danville’s City Council will meet in regular session on Monday, November 18th at 5pm in city hall.  Items on the agenda include the Des Moines County Sheriff’s report and a review from the SE Iowa Regional Planning Commission.  This meeting is open to the public.


The Henry County Soil & Water Conservation District Commissioners will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 19th at 3:30pm at the USDA office, 709 S. Iris Street in Mt. Pleasant.  Items on the agenda include watershed report and cost share payments.  This meeting is open to the public.