KILJ Radio is pleased to make two special presentations. Each year at this time, Brownfield Ag News sponsors the Ag Youth Awards. Brownfield and KILJ partner together to support local youth by choosing two recipients and recognizing them for their various accomplishments and outstanding leadership skills, whether that be in school, 4H, or other areas.
A belt buckle award and a Wal Mart gift card for their 4H clubs is presented to each winner.
Our first winner is Gabe White. He is the son of Scott and Stephanie White and attends Winfield-Mt.Union highschool. He is part of the Jefferson Juniors 4H club and has shown cattle, goats, static projects, and even is involved in the dog obedience show. Gabe plans to acquire his associate degree in information technology.
“Being in the showring and working with cattle, goats or dogs, has taught me to have confidence no matter what the outcome.”
Our second winner is Julie Campbell. She is the daughter of Melissa and Jason Campbell and is also part of the Jefferson Juniors 4H club, as well as involved with the Mount Pleasant Community Highschool FFA. Julie has participated in cattle shows and static projects since 4th grade, and she plans to show swine this year for the first time. Julie plans to attend Kirkwood Community College and major in agriculture business and then transfer to Iowa State University to finish in agriculture education.
“Being a part if the 4H community has shaped my character and influenced my decisions. While being involved in 4H I have gotten the opportunity to express myself in projects and to grow in skills that I need to function in the real world. I have grown my communication skills by talking in front of crowds while showing and participating in the fair queen contest. I have bettered my interview skills by showing static projects and participating in the fair queen contest. People should join to get to know more about the community and be able to grow essential skills for life. They should also join because you never know who you can become friends with even though they don’t go to the same school or have the same lifestyle.”