The New London Community School District is having a career fair on Wednesday, February 21, for middle and high school students. This is an awesome opportunity for the students to start thinking about a college/career path they’d like to follow.
There are great advantages in hosting a career fair where the teachers are also able to hear about careers so that they can use that information in their own classrooms to make instruction more relevant. In addition, New London has a class sign-up day after the career fair is over so that the teachers can guide students into high school/college classes that would most benefit their future!
They are thrilled to announce that they have over fifty careers scheduled to speak, and of those, half are alumni who are willing to travel through Iowa or zoom with us from across the country (and some very special locals as well). College, military, and trade booths will be set up in the gym also, so that students can get information on how to reach their ultimate career goals.