Central Lee School Board Agenda


7:00 A.M.

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve agenda
  3. Receive Visitors:
    1. Visitors to speak about items not on the agenda
  4. CONSENT AGENDA: (Exhibit I)
    1. Approve minutes
    2. Financial reports: General and Schoolhouse funds, Clearing account, Hot

Lunch account

  1. Approve prepaid bills
  2. Approve monthly bills
  3. Overnight Trip Requests:
    1. State Carpentry Competition, Des Moines, Iowa – 11/30/2023 – 12/1/2023
    2. Foods III, Chicago, Illinois – 12/13/2023 – 12/14/2023
  4. Open Enrollment Application: Denial
  1. Acceptance of Abstract of Election by Board Secretary (Motion) (Exhibit II)
  2. Recognition of Service for Retiring Board Member Kim Hasek
  3. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order & Roll Call (by Board Secretary)
  2. Oath of Office to New Board Members (by Board Secretary)
  3. Election of Board President (Motion) (by Board Secretary)
  4. Election of Vice President (Motion) (by Board President)
  5. Establish Meeting Date, Time & Location: (Motion)
  6. Name of Official Publication: Ft. Madison Daily Democrat (Motion)
  7. Designation of Legal Counsel: Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm (Motion)
  8. Superintendent’s Report:
    1. Final Enrollment Certified Count
    2. Special Education Certified Count
    3. Finance Update
    4. Next Board Meeting – December 12, 2023 @ 7 a.m.
    5. Staff Holiday Event – Monday, November 20 (5-7 p.m.)
    6. Strategic Plan Progress Update
    7. Iowa School Performance Profiles
    8. Legislative Update


  1. Board’s Check Signing Authorization for President & Superintendent: (Motion)
  2. Board Resolution to Define Operating Rules and Practices that will be followed by the new Board: (Motion) (Exhibit III) (Roll Call Vote)
  3. Recommend the Board of Directors by motion to authorize the Board Secretary to issue warrants when said Board of Directors is not in session as per 279.20 Code of Iowa.

A separate invoice list of prepaid warrants will be presented to the board monthly.

This motion is reviewed and re-approved yearly during the re-organizational meeting. (Motion)

  1. SBRC Approval: (Motion) (Exhibit IV)
    1. Special Education – $176,725.21
    2. Enrollment Growth – $62,269.20
  2. Give approval for Superintendent and Board Secretary to pay Hot Lunch Bills upon proper documentation and approval from the Food Service Director. (Motion)
  3. Mid-Term Graduate Applications: (Motion) (Exhibit V)
  4. Review and Approve Teachers Moving on Salary Schedule: (Motion) (Exhibit VI)
  5. First Reading of Board Policies: (Motion) (Exhibit VII)
    1. 01 – Equal Employment Opportunity
    2. 01 – Student Conduct
    3. 01R1 – Student Suspension
    4. 02 – Expulsion
    5. 08R1 NEW! – Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence Regulation
    6. 3R1 – Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation
    7. 05R1 – Financial Metrics
  6. Introduction of Board Policies 200 Series
  7. Approve Increasing Food Service Substitute Pay from $10.00 to $11.50 per hour (Motion)
  8. Approval of Tuition Reimbursement Agreement for High School Teacher for Concurrent Enrollment (Motion) (Exhibit VII)
  9. Approval of Retirements Effective End of 2023-2024 Per Licensed Employee

Retirement Policy No. 407.3 (Motion)

  1. Julie Kropf – Instructor
  2. Paul Kropf – Instructor
  3. Kyle Van Ausdall – Instructor
  4. Kim Myers – Instructor
  1. Transfers: (Motion)
    1. Kayla Schwartz – 9-12 Success Coordinator to First Grade Teacher
    2. Scot Fransk – 9-12 Business Teacher
  2. Resignations: (Motion)
    1. Stephanie Ferris – Teacher Associate
    2. Brian Wells – Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach
  3. Contract Approvals: (Motion)
    1. Melissa Jacobs – Eighth Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach
    2. Hollie Weber – LEGO League Sponsor & Future Problem Solvers Sponsor
    3. Nicole Smith – Full-time Bus Driver
    4. Rodney Tweedy – Substitute Bus Driver
  4. Board Reports
  5. Adjourn (Motion)

After the board meeting, the Central Lee School Board will visit the Central Lee Trades Program at their construction site in Franklin, IA. The board will visit Mr. Schau and his trades students.