The Christamore House of Mt. Pleasant has announced its closure effective Friday, September 1st, 2023. This comes after the MP Police Chief asked the community to call their representatives and ask for change. The Christamore House has caused the Police Department many problems and costs the taxpayers money due to the high number of calls coming from there. A comment from an interview with the Police Chief on August 17th reveals some of the issues coming from the family treatment center. “Mount Pleasant Police Chief Lyle Murray has contacted the Department of Human Services twice on this facility due to broken windows, broken furniture, minors climbing out of windows, fighting in the streets, assaults on staff members, and inappropriate sexual relations on campus.”
Representative Taylor Collins commented on the immediate closure in an interview, mentioning how he was thankful for the citizens who reached out to their representatives.
Mt. Pleasant Police Chief Lyle Murray gave a statement regarding the closure and how he believes it “will be good” for the community. He also thinks the taxpayers of Henry County will be thankful as well, as the constant calls for service to the Christamore House drained Police Department resources.
We are unaware of what the soon to be vacant building will eventually host, but starting tomorrow, it will no longer be the Christamore House.