Community Day Continues Next Week for Science Building and Old Gym – Free Items For the Public

There was excitement in the air in Mt. Pleasant last week, specifically at the former Iowa Wesleyan Campus as members of the community were allowed to take home whatever they could carry, for free, for two days. We were told that if that went well, there was the possibility of opening some other buildings in the future. KILJ now has information regarding the next “Community Day.”

On Wednesday, September 20th, the Science Building and Old Gym will both be open to the public. The time has changed as well since some members of the community requested it be later due to their work schedules. From 1:00-7:00pm, citizens can enter these buildings by signing a liability form, just like in the past.

I spoke with Doug Moore, who has been at the forefront of this process, and he mentioned how last week’s community days were a resounding success. He said that there weren’t any big mishaps, and he was thankful that residents were able to take home free items that they might need.

As of right now, just the Science Building and Old Gym are scheduled, but depending on the success of this upcoming community day, there will most likely be others. KILJ will continue to report on the happenings at the former university campus.