During the evening hours of Saturday June 4th and into the early morning hours of Sunday June 5th, residents of Danville, IA reported numerous car burglaries as well as one motor vehicle theft. Items taken range from petty cash, tools, clothing items, and wallets/purses. The stolen vehicle was recovered in Burlington the following day.
During the same time frame there were also reports of numerous car burglaries and two more motor vehicle thefts reported in New London, IA and Burlington, IA. Both of these stolen motor vehicles have been recovered as well.
Detectives with the Des Moines County Sheriff’s Office believe these incidents are related and have interviewed numerous people. The investigation remains ongoing.
If anyone has any information on any of these incidents, please contact the Des Moines County Sheriff’s Office at 319-753-8212. The Des Moines County Sheriff’s Office encourages citizens to remain vigilant and report suspicious behavior. Please be sure to secure your vehicles and do not leave keys or valuables in vehicles.