Enhance Henry County Community Foundation Awarded $143,000 to 30 County organizations

Henry County, Iowa — The Enhance Henry County Community Foundation has awarded $143,000 to 30 County organizations. An estimated 35,000 people will benefit from the 20th round of grants to be made by the Enhance Henry County Community Foundation.

The 30 grants were announced at a special celebration and media advisory event held at the Union Block Building in Mt. Pleasant on December 10th beginning at 11 am. The event was open to the public, all grant recipients, public officials from throughout the county and community leaders.

This was the 20th time that the Enhance Henry County Community Foundation has engaged in grant making. The foundation applied for and received funds from the County Endowment Fund legislation.

Enhance Henry County Community Foundation President, Robert Meyer, talked to KILJ about announcement day means for these organizations.


“Our foundation received a total of $157,184.36. Twenty five percent of this was restricted to permanent endowment and 75 percent was required to be released through local competitive grant making. In addition, we took $32,466.84 from our endowment earnings and granted them as well.” said Robert Meyer, Foundation President.

“We received grant applications totaling $509,727.66. We only wish that we had more resources at the foundation because we know there are many needs and worthy projects throughout the county.”

The Enhance Henry County Community Foundation was organized by representatives from throughout Henry County. “Our mission involves helping the communities and non-profit organizations of the county,” said Robert Meyer. “We want to partner with communities and non-profit organizations to help them with programs and projects that might otherwise not be available to the individuals, families and visitors to our county.”

As an affiliate foundation, the Enhance Henry County Community Foundation can assist donors who wish to make outright and testamentary gifts of support to our foundation or other charitable organizations in the county. “It’s even possible for local charitable organizations to establish their own funds and benefit from special tax credits and the professional expertise and investment management we help provide,” said Robert Meyer.

Further information about Enhance Henry County Community Foundation is available by contacting, Lora Roth at 319-385-8728.

Organizations awarded:

MOPS – Winfield Food Pantry- $3,500

Henry County Child Advocacy Council- $1,000

Old Threshers Foundation -$5,000

Henry County Public Health/Healthy Henry County Communities – $2,000

Winfield Mt. Union Community Schools -$5,000

Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra- $2,000

City of Wayland – $7,700

Cradle of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center -$1,000

Mt. Pleasant Music Boosters, Inc. -$2,000

Midwest Old Settlers & Threshers Assoc. -$7,500

Main Street Mount Pleasant- $12,5000

Swedish Heritage Society Foundation- $3,000

Henry County Heritage Trust, Inc$ – 3,000

New London Community School District- $7,500

Winfield Historical Society- $3,000

Salem Recreation Association- $7,500

Domestic Violence Intervention Program- $1,000

Mt. Pleasant Community Childcare- $10,000

Mt. Pleasant Little League- $1,000

The Rec Center, LTD- $1,500

Harlan-Lincoln House, Inc- $1,300

Friends of Mount Pleasant Fire- $5,000

Daughters of the American Revolution

James Harlan Chapter- $2,000

Henry County Health Center Foundation- $5,000

Wayland Area Child Care Organization- $10,000

All God’s Creatures- $10,000

Midwest Central Railroad- $7,000

WMU Backpack Program- $1,000

New London Junior Baseball Association- $5,000

New London School District Foundation- $10,000