- This event has passed.
July 4, 2022
July 4
The Mount Pleasant City offices are closed for the holiday. Garbage collection will be one day later thru the week.
Wayland 4th of July Celebration – lions club breakfast 6:30-9:30 am, parade rain or shine 10:30 am on Main Street, Lunch at WACO high school 11-1 p.m., and Fireworks at dusk on the WACO school football field.
Morning Sun 4th of July Celebration – Legion Pancake Breakfast 6:30 a.m., Firecracker frog jump 9 a.m., kid’s games/balloon toss 11:30 a.m., mile long parade 3 p.m., Methodist Ice Cream Social 5 p.m., evening entertainment 6:30 p.m., and Southeast Iowa’s Best Fireworks Show begins at dusk!
VFW Post 7641 Auxiliary is sponsoring a 4th of July parade and Fun in the Park Day from Noon – 2, in New London. New London Stroll Committee will serve hot dogs and cotton candy and provide games. VFW 7641 Auxiliary will have lemonade shake-ups, karaoke for kids- “Hooray for the Red, White and Blue” singing the National Anthem Contest, a bike rodeo & fingerprinting of children. A parade will go down Main Street to the Nursing Home at 2 pm. & Great River Tractor Assoc. will bring their tractors to join the parade route. Prizes will be given to the top 3 entries.
Mount Pleasant Community 4th of July Celebration at McMillan Park. The parade is at 5 pm. At 5:30 pm meet your local heroes. Free activities include trolley rides, carousel rides and face painting. Food will be available for purchase including meals by the Cattlemen, cotton candy pineapple whip and other snacks and goodies. Fireworks at dusk.
The Henry County Optimist Club would appreciate help to take down the Mount Pleasant flag display on Tuesday, July 5. Meet in front of U.S. Bank at 6:30 pm. Please note this is a change of date.