Exercise Complete: TC Energy and Henry County Emergency Management Join Forces for Successful Gas Leak Exercise

Henry County Emergency Management held a simulated drill on Tuesday morning which aimed at creating cohesion and communication between agencies while fixing the issue at hand. With atleast 8 counties represented through fire departments, EMS, emergency management, and the Henry County Sheriff, this simulation saw many heads join together for one common issue.

After a meeting at the Emergency Management building in Mount Pleasant to lay out the plan, everybody got to work. The simulated scenario was a gas explosion at a gas pipe near Yarmouth. Situated on the Henry County/Des Moines County line, this was a large scale exercise. Measures were taken for safety, such as establishing a perimeter far away from the gas, wrangling cattle, and releasing messages to be sent out to every phone within a certain radius.

This proved to be great training for all those involved. The importance of an exercise like this was shown as it allows responders to better understand what to do in an event of a major emergency.

A reminder that a large full-scale exercise will take place next Wednesday, March 27th, in New London. “Operation Prom” is an immersive event which will bring the realities of prom season to life for the students involved. Highschoolers will interact with police, firefighters, medical personnel, life flight crews, and even funeral home representatives.

This is designed to create awareness and responsible decision-making for students.

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