Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is conducting farmland leasing meetings across 9 different locations in Southeast Iowa during July and August 2021. Meetings are coordinated by county ISU Extension and Outreach offices.
The discussion will focus on various methods to determine a fair 2022 cash rental rate and the importance of good tenant/landlord communications. In addition, a brief economic outlook will be presented along with a look at farmland prices. According to the Cash Rental Rates for Iowa – 2021 Survey released in mid-May, the average 2021 cash rent statewide is $232 per tillable acre, a slight increase from $222 in 2020. Average cash rents have remained stable the last couple of years.
The Henry County meeting will be Wednesday, August 11, beginning at 9:30 a.m. with doors open at 9 a.m. This meeting will be at the Henry County Extension Office, 127 N Main, Mt. Pleasant. The meeting will last approximately two hours and will be facilitated by Charles Brown, Farm Management Specialist, with ISU Extension and Outreach.
Pre-registration is required at least two days before the meeting and a $20 per individual fee is payable at the door. If you have concerns about safety practices being implemented, please contact the county extension office. Participants will receive a 100-page booklet and meeting handouts designed to assist landowners, tenants and other agri-business professionals with issues related to farmland ownership, management and leasing arrangements.
Contact the Henry County Extension office at (319) 385-8126 with your questions or to pre-register on or before Monday, August 9.
For a list of meetings statewide, check the ISU Extension calendar for a meeting near you at