Firefighter Cadet Program in the Works Through Mt. Pleasant Fire Department

Members of the Mount Pleasant Fire Department participated in the the MPCSD career fair at both High School and Middle School. Students were able to try on fire gear, check out firefighting tools and equipment, and ask questions. Some of these questions showed an interest in the future of firefighting, such as how do I get involved? How old do I need to be to become a firefighter? What sort of schooling do I need?

The Mt Pleasant Fire Dept is a volunteer department that meet on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. They are always looking for new recruits to get involved. They have made joining easy, as all you need to do is stop on by on a Wednesday night, check things out, and pick up an application.

Currently, the Mount Pleasant Fire Department is working on creating a Firefighter Cadet program, which would allow teenagers to join and learn all about the fire department. Through the program, they will learn things such as different firefighting tactics, how things work, equipment, and participate in different trainings, to build a foundation of knowledge to create future firefighters.