Mt Pleasant City Council met in regular session last night. The meeting kicked off with a public hearing on the proposal to eliminate the N.E. Lagoon and divert the sewer flow back to the City waste water treatment plant south of town. This hearing is required because the City is using the State Revolving loan fund to pay for this project. The City commissioned an environmental review for the site and the proposed forcemain route to comply with the IDNR permit.
Next was a public hearing on the proposal to rezone the land at 1300 -1302 on E. Monroe from B-4 (Business Highway) to B-3 (General Retail Service). The proposal is to create 10 to 12 townhouse structures that will mirror those already located across the street. There were no objections from the Planning and Zoning Commission or the surrounding property owners. The council went on to approve the first reading to amend the zoning ordinance. This project is also in compliance with the city’s comprehensive plan and will help address the need for more housing.
Held and approved the first reading amending the City fence Ordinance. The new language would allow 8ft tall fences in rear and side yards and require a utility access gate. This proposed amendment was reviewed by the Ordinance cmt. and recommend approval. Held and approved the first reading to amend the ordinance titled penalties for Municipal infractions. This amendment allows the Police Dept. to issue on site tickets for low level city code violations instead of charging the property owner with a misdemeanor and going to the expense of taking them to court. The Ordinance cmt. City Attorney and Police Chief have reviewed the proposed amendment and recommend approval.
The Council passed a resolution approving the Warren Street reconstruction project. City Engineer Jim Warner said the project was built to the specifications and recommended acceptance. A change order for the project was also approved
Reducing the cost by $9,962.41. This was because the final quantities used ended up less than the proposed. Another motion approved a change order #3 which is a reduction of $6,775. This reduction is for gradiation testing of the subbase that is not fundable by the FAA. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of conducting these tests. There is no cost to the City.
The council approved the leasing of a 2015 Elgin Street Sweeper for a minimum of 4 weeks for $2,000 until the new street sweeper arrives.