Following a public hearing Wednesday, the Mount Pleasant City Council approved a formal lease with HCHC for use of city owned land. An informal agreement has been in place for many years involving the spot where the hospital helicopter pad and E.R. parking are located. But it was determined this arrangement needed to be formalized.
Also, during the Council’s regular meeting….a public hearing was set for May 12 at 5:30 pm regarding the sale of city owned property to the Mount Pleasant School District. The District would like to purchase the lot at 404 N. Lincoln, east of the Middle School for expanded parking.
Mayor Steve Brimhall was authorized to execute a formal utility easement needed for the City to extend sanitary and storm sewer infrastructure to serve the proposed Mitchell Town House development project on East Monroe Street. The easement is an agreement with Joe Mitchell and his family.
The Council approved two different contracts with Norris Asphalt Paving. One contract is for paving the west lot at the Mount Pleasant Police Department in the amount of $45,005. The second is for work on South Grand Avenue at a cost of $41,812.50. The Council also approved the purchase of a pressure washer for the Fire Department at a cost not to exceed $17,000.