Local Meal Delivery Available for Rural Areas

Lee County—Do you live in Lee County? Milestones Area Agency on Aging has a special meal delivery program during the COVID-19 pandemic to help you with food during this unprecedented time.
“We are establishing delivery routes for those who live in rural areas to make sure they have access to a nutritious meal,” said Pam Taylor, director of nutrition services for Milestones.
The communities targeted include Argyle, Denmark, Donnellson, Montrose, and West Point. Milestones can deliver 5 frozen meals, once a week to those age 60+ who are homebound. Meals are provided on a contribution basis, and include instructions on proper storage as well as re-heating instructions for the oven or microwave.
Milestones frozen meals are prepared locally by Milestones cooks. Most meals include a protein, vegetable, fruit and grain item and milk. Special diets are not available. Participants are responsible to comply with their own dietary restrictions.
To be enrolled in the Milestones Home Delivered Meal Program, call an agency resource navigator at 1-855-410-6222.
Milestones Area Agency on Aging serves older Iowans age 60+ and their caregivers with information and assistance, nutrition services, options counseling, elder rights protective services, and evidence-based health programs. Information and assistance and options counseling services are also available for those age 18+ living with disabilities. Funding is provided by communities, state and federal sources.