The Mount Pleasant City Council will meet in Regular Session Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at City Hall, 307 E. Monroe Street, second floor meeting room at 5:30 pm.
Consent Agenda: To the Public – All items with an asterisk (*) are routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and a roll call of the Council-members. There will be no separate discussion of items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.
- Receive & file communications –
Approve agenda.
*5. Approve minutes of previous meeting.
*6. Approve payment of bills.
*7. Receive reports of Officers –
- Old Business –
- 2nd reading of proposed ordinance approving zone change from B-4 to B-3 for 1300 & 1302 E. Monroe St. – J & J Mitchell Real Estate
- 2nd reading of proposed ordinance amending fence regulations.
- 2nd reading of proposed ordinance amending penalties & definitions for a Municipal Infraction.
- Mayoral appointment to Library Board
* e) Renewal application for a Class C Liquor License for Westside Tap at 119 S. Jefferson Street.
New Business –
- Resolution authorizing Mayor to sign Wellmark Foundation Grant Agreement.
- Approve Mount Pleasant Fire and Rescue Standard Operating Guideline Revision #8.
- Resolution approving hire of Police Officer.
- Resolution accepting Sanitary Sewer Rehab Area 2 North.
- Approve conflict waiver for acquisition of land to the City on Winfield Avenue.
- Approve Resolution authorizing purchase of land from Interstate Power and Light on Winfield Avenue.
- Set date for public hearing to amend FYE2021 Budget.
- Approve Financial Services Agreement with Piper Sandler Co. for 2020 G/O bond
- Resolution setting date for public hearing not to exceed 3,000,000 refunding capital loan notes.
- Approve the Engineering Services Agreement with Warner Engineering for North Lincoln and E. Taft.
- Public Forum.
- Adjourn.