Mount Pleasant Community School District School Board Meeting

Date  Monday, November 8, 2021   6:00 PM

Mount Pleasant Community School District:  High School Media Center

  1.   Call to Order
    2.    Roll Call
    3.    Approval of Agenda
    4.    Honor Retirees
    5.    Citizen Comments
    6.   Approval of Minutes, Claims, Financials
    7.    Reports
    a.       Health Services Update – Jennifer Striegel and Taylor Ramer
    b.       Superintendent’s Report
    1.       November 16 @ 4:00pm – Site Committee Master Planning Session
    2.       IASB Annual Convention Information – November 18
    3.       Review October 2021 Certified Enrollment
    4.       Southeast Iowa Link Workforce Survey
    5.       ESSER III Plan
    6.       2021 Statewide School Board Elections
    7.       Legislative Update
    c.       Board Committee Reports
    i.   Finance
    ii.   Site
    iii.   Policy
    8.     Other Board Communications
    9.     Consent Items
    a.    Personnel
    b.    Open Enrollment
    10.   New Business
    a.       Review FY21 Certified Annual Report
    b.       Review FY21 Special Education Supplement
    c.       Review FY21 Transportation Report
    d.       Review FY21 Unspent Authorized Budget Report
    e.       Second Reading of School Board Policy Series 700 Non-Instructional and Business Services with
    Notification to Post Recommended Changes (Motion)
    i.     703.12  Bids and Quotes
    ii.     704.2    Treasurer’s Annual Report
    f.        Consideration to Approve Board President to Cast Vote for Great Prairie AEA Director District 7 Representative   (Motion)
    g.       Consideration to Approve of Sale of Obsolete School Buses    (Motion)
    h.       Consideration to Approve Senior Class After Prom Fundraisers    (Motion)
    i.         Adjournment