Mount Pleasant Community School District School Board Special Session Meeting

Mount Pleasant Community School District School Board Special Session Meeting
Date  Monday, August 23,  2021   6:00 PM
Mount Pleasant Community School District:  High School Media Center
Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641
  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Consideration to Approve Lease Agreement with Mount Pleasant Community Childcare (Motion)
  5. Consideration to Approve IMEG Corp. for HVAC Retro-Commissioning Services (Motion)
  6. Consideration to Approve Johnson Controls for HVAC Retro-Commission Project (Motion)
  7. Approval to go into Closed Session under Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(a) “…to review or discuss records authorized by law to be kept confidential.” (Motion)
  8. Action Regarding Student Expulsion, which was subject of a closed session (Motion)
  9. Adjournment