Meeting Agenda
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Citizen Comments
5. Approval of Minutes, Claims and Financial Report
6. Reports
a. Mount Pleasant Trap Program – John Klopfenstein, Sponsor
b. Superintendent’s Report
1. Iowa Wesleyan Property Purchase Update
2. Grade-Alike Elementary Buildings Update
3. Bus/Maintenance/Central Receiving Facility Update
4. FY23 Statewide Special Education Balances
5. Legislative Update
6. Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference FY24
7. January 17 IASB Regional Workshop: Ready, Set, Govern! HS Media Center @ 5pm
8. January 22 Work Session
9. 2024-2025 School Calendar Planning
c. Board Committee Reports
1. Finance
2. Site Committee
3. Policy Commitee
7. Other Board Communication
8. Consent Items
a. Personnel
b. Open Enrollment
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
a. Review FY23 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
b. First Reading of School Board Policy Series 500 Student Personnel
1. Board Policy 502.02 Use of Tobacco or Any Controlled Substance (Motion)
c. Consideration to Approve Modified Supplemental Amount for At-Risk-Dropout (Motion)
d. Consideration to Approve French-Renneker Associates for Site Survey at 1515 E. Monroe (Motion)
e. Consideration to Approve GeoTechnics for Soil Survey at 1515 E. Monroe (Motion)
11. Adjournment