The Mt. Pleasant City Council approved the contract for refuse hauling services between WEMIGA Waste and Lance Refuse. Beginning in February, the former system of trash stickers will become obsolete, and the new system will take over.
So, why the change? The City Council believes that the current system is a waste of taxpayer dollars, and that the private sector can better serve the people. It was found that only 1/3rd of Mt. Pleasant residents use trash stickers, with the majority seeking the service of private companies.
With this change from the old to the new, WEMIGA will service the north side of town and Lance Refuse will tackle the south side. The two containers offered will cost a household $16.75 and $19.75 for a 65-gallon or a 95-gallon container. This will be included in the monthly utility bill, as well as a flat $8.50 charge, which is $1 for landfill closure, $3.25 for solid waste collection, and $4.25 for recycling.
Every resident will now be on this new system, whether you participated in private pickup or through the city in the past.
It was revealed that a letter will be sent to residents in January detailing the changes.
Any and all questions should be directed to the Mt. Pleasant City Council.