October Students of Character

Mount Pleasant High School is proud to announce the 2021 October Students of Character, TIMOTHY CAM, GRAYCE ENGLE, and BRAYTON HUTSON. All three of these students have demonstrated Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Students are nominated by the MPCHS faculty each month. If you see these students at school or in the community, please tell them to keep up the good work! We are Panther Proud of you all!

#GoPanthers #PantherProud

Additional nominees:

Melanie Olivas

Celsey French

Kade Welcher

Treyton Hole

Chloe Bolin

Tyler Simon

Shawden Turner

Elizabeth Ballard

Lucas Rose

Mason Goff

Yazhid Garcia

Ale Carillo

Jackie Tansey

Elizabeth Richtman

Krystal Osorio

Sarah Salzer

Hannah Hoyle