The Henry County Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday against the 1st Reading of an ordinance to Rezone a Part of SE of SE Section 7 Township from A-1 Agricultural to I-1 Industrial in a 2-1 vote. The first reading did not pass, meaning it is “dead in the water” according to city legislation 380-3. There will be no more readings for this issue.
The public did bring a conversation to the table, with the supervisors allowing that to happen as this was not a public hearing. A concerned citizen believed that it was a “muddied up messy process” and called for the Planning and Zoning commission to have direction. Another citizen, who owns property near the proposed concrete plant, stated that their property taxes will increase, but the value of their house will decrease.
William John, an attorney for Chad Ebling who planned to build a plant in this area, wanted the public to be aware that the Planning and Zoning commission is made up of volunteers, and was quoted as saying “if you have concerns (about Planning and Zoning), volunteer.”
The Board of Supervisors will meet again on Thursday, August 31st with an update from Sarah Berndt with the CDS.