May is typically the month many students and teachers look forward to, as it means the end of school. Speaking with the superintendent of the Mt. Pleasant Community School District, John Henriksen, he mentioned how graduation on Sunday went well, and wished the graduating class luck.
While they are embarking on a new adventure, some current students will need to take classes over the summer. Summer school will begin the week of June 3rd and will be three weeks of Monday through Thursday, 8:30am-11:30am. Due to the changing of elementary buildings to grade-alike, students enrolled in summer school that attend elementary schools will meet at the Middle School for summer classes.
Harlan Elementary was named as the recipient of a special grant, which will see $5000 go towards their library. They are one of 200 schools across 40 states throughout the country to benefit from the Laura Bush foundation this year. Many libraries will use this funding to update and diversify their collection.
Speaking of elementary schools, the grade-alike buildings are just about here, and the superintendent is sending out a letter later this week regarding the bus shuttles.
There is a public hearing this Thursday at the central office conference room beginning at 5:15pm. This meeting will see the school board discuss the plans for 1515 E Monroe.