The Henry County Board of Supervisors met in regular session this morning (Thursday) at the Henry County Courthouse in Mount Pleasant. The big item on the agenda? Furthering the discussion with the Henry County Health Center regarding emergency medical services. The Supervisors were presented with a letter from the HCHC Board of Trustees requesting that both parties temporarily suspend discussions. It was stated in the letter that the Henry County Health Center felt the county and the board of trustees both needed more time to review and assess data and options related to the costs of the Emergency Medical Services and what the best route to take would be.
When the Supervisors asked Michelle Rosell of HCHC if there was a time frame as to when the discussion may pick back up, she explained there was no specific time frame and that the discussion would depend on state and federal legislature possibly changing rules regarding cost based reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid. She also mentioned suspending discussions would allow both parties more time to explore all options and possibly come to more of a long-term solution rather than a short-term one. While the county’s offer to make up the difference in lost revenue to the health center for continuing to run emergency medical services would help the hospital some especially in the short term, it still left the hospital with less than desirable financial standing due to the reimbursement penalties.
Rosell expressed gratitude to the Supervisors for their time and work regarding Emergency Medical Services in Henry County. In response the Supervisors thanked the health center and expressed their door is always open for the time when discussions need to resume and asked Rosell to keep them posted on the matter.
The only other item on the Supervisor’s agenda was approval for a lease extension with the Iowa Department of Transportation for office rental – which was approved and extended through December of 2021. The Henry County Board of Supervisors meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9 inside the lower level of the Henry County Courthouse.