The Henry County Historic Preservation Commission met Wednesday January 15 at the Henry County Courthouse. Attending were Commissioners Judy Rawson, Cathie Schreiner, Caroline Lehman, Larry D. Roth, Joel Garretson, Johanna Crawford, Mary Savage, and Pat White.
Retiring Commissioner Larry D. Roth was awarded a certificate of appreciation from the Commission and Board of Supervisors for his 11 years of dedicated service, representing the northwest portion of Henry County including Wayland and Trenton.
The Commission reviewed their goals and accomplishments in year 2024 and developed a new work plan for 2025. The Commission plans to spend the majority of its efforts this year toward the development of a guide book for all the historic sites and places in Henry County to help promote and stimulate tourism.
As a Certified Local Government, the Commission will hold its annual meeting with the Board of Supervisors on February 13, followed by a regular monthly meeting.