USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service Tops $100 Million in Conservation Funding to Iowa Farmers

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) obligated a record $112.1 million in conservation practice funding to Iowa farmers in fiscal year 2024 (FY24) through 1,960 conservation program contracts that will help treat natural resource concerns such as soil erosion and water quality on nearly 400,000 acres.

Conservation program contracts typically run three to five years, depending on the program. The obligated funds are about $26 million more than the prior record of $85.8 million in 2023, and nearly $40 million more than the prior five-year average.

In Henry County, NRCS and its conservation partners obligated about $661,785.07 last year that will help treat resource concerns on 3,532.7 acres.

IRA vs Farm Bill Funding
Iowa NRCS staff obligated about 42 percent ($47.2 million) of the FY24 conservation funding through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA, signed into law in 2022, addresses clean energy and climate change. IRA conservation funding targets climate-smart agriculture mitigation and helps farmers build resilience in their operations.

Iowa NRCS State Conservationist Jon Hubbert said many of the conservation practices Iowa producers are adopting through the IRA offer stacked benefits. “Not only are practices like cover crops, no-till farming, and tree planting good for air quality, but they can also benefit the soil, water quality, and provide wildlife habitat,” he said.

NRCS staff obligated the other 58 percent of its Iowa financial assistance program funding through the 2018 Farm Bill, which was extended another year. “We are thankful for the support from Congress that allows us to implement record amounts of conservation on Iowa’s private lands,” said Hubbert. “With the importance of agriculture in Iowa, there is a strong need for a variety of conservation practices to help treat our natural resources and sustain agriculture for future generations.”

Program Breakdown
NRCS provides conservation funding through four primary programs authorized through the Farm Bill: Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), and Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).

Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP): CSP helps farmers build a customized plan to meet their conservation goals and needs. Iowa NRCS obligated $29.2 million through new and renewed CSP contracts during the past year to 594 Iowa landowners who signed five-year CSP contracts. The CSP contracts will cover 204,743 acres.

In Henry County, NRCS obligated 12 contracts totaling $500,474 through six new and renewed CSP contracts that will cover 2,492.7 acres through five-year contracts.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): NRCS contractd about 58 percent of new federal conservation funding in Iowa through EQIP – a voluntary program that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality, where farmers can choose from a conservation practice list developed at the county level to treat local resource issues.

Through EQIP, NRCS obligated $65.5 million covering 164,073 acres through 1,212 contracts. Cover crops, brush management, and practices to support livestock grazing such as prescribed grazing, watering facility, pipeline, heavy use protection area and fence were the most adopted practices in Iowa in 2024.

In Henry County, NRCS obligated $161,311.07 through 11 new EQIP contracts in 2024 that will cover 1,040 acres. There are currently 17 active EQIP contracts in Henry County that are helping to treat natural resources on 1,809.7 acres obligating $364,369.61.

Conservation Plans: NRCS staff also wrote 23,020 conservation plans during fiscal year 2024, which covers more than two million acres. Conservation plans help producers target and address natural resource concerns such as soil erosion, water quality, and wildlife habitat, in addition to addressing climate change and improving soil health.


In Henry County, conservation planners wrote 674 new conservation plans covering nearly 28,145 acres. Overall, 386 conservation plans were applied in Henry County on 40,040 acres.


For conservation planning and program questions in Henry County, visit the USDA Service Center at 709 South Iris Street, Mt Pleasant or call the office at 319-385-2824, Ext. 3